Tell a friend about Enterprise Minilease

You will receive a CHF 100 discount on your car subscription.

Take part now

How it works


Recommend Enterprise Minilease to a colleague or friend and then fill out this form.


The person to whom you recommended Enterprise Minilease books a car subscription with us.

Active subscription

As soon as this person's subscription is active (car has been collected / delivered against signature), you will receive the voucher by e-mail.

Redeeming the voucher

The next time you book a car subscription with us, you can send the voucher after booking to and receive the 100.- credited to the first month's rental. Or you can redeem it directly if you have a current subscription.

Mini Cooper (18)

Conditions of participation

  • The voucher worth CHF 100 can only be redeemed for Enterprise Minilease car subscriptions on
  • The voucher is valid for 3 months.
  • The CHF 100 will be deducted once from the 1st month's rental of a new Enterprise Minilease car subscription, or if you have an ongoing rental, from the total amount.
  • The voucher will be sent as soon as the car subscription of the person to whom the subscription has been recommended is active.
  • A minimum age of 18 years is mandatory.

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