Our smart fleet of agile city runabouts is tailored to the demands of urban terrain with tight parking spaces and high traffic volumes. Our Urban line of nimble compact cars provides unrestricted access to every alley, ensuring that you can navigate through the city with ease. Additionally, our Urban vehicles offer extra storage space for those who require it, making them the perfect choice for anyone seeking a versatile and practical driving experience in the city.
Urban Economy
Navigating through the city can be a challenging experience due to tight parking spaces and high traffic volumes, but our fleet of agile city runabouts is designed to conquer these challenges with ease.

Urban Compact
Our Urban Compact line offers nimble and compact cars that ensure unrestricted access to every alley, providing you with unparalleled maneuverability in urban areas.
Urban Crossover
For those who require extra storage space in the city, our Urban Crossover vehicles are the perfect alternative to SUVs. You don't have to compromise on storage capacity, as our crossovers offer ample space while also providing excellent maneuverability in urban areas.