What needs to be considered with electric vehicles?

It is important to know that it is always your responsibility to educate yourself about the specifics of e-mobility when deciding to go for an electric vehicle. Particularly, the vehicle's range and the different charging options are important aspects to consider.
The range of electric vehicles can be influenced by several factors such as your driving style, weather conditions, topography, and the battery's state of charge. Therefore, we recommend you to gather information about the specific range of the model you have chosen. You can find this information in the vehicle documentation or on the manufacturer's website.
In Switzerland, there are over 11,500 charging stations available, and across Europe, there are even more than 560,700 public charging stations for electric vehicles. This means that you have access to a wide variety of charging stations during your travels. However, it is important to know that the payment methods at these stations may vary. Some accept credit cards, while others require special charging cards or apps. It might also be necessary to register in advance at some charging stations.
If you want to charge your electric vehicle using a smartphone app or charging card, it is your responsibility to arrange this yourself. You will need to download a suitable app or apply for a charging card. With the help of the app or charging card, you can start and stop the charging process and handle the payments. Please note that you are responsible for the charging and payment process. Inform yourself in advance about the necessary steps and make the necessary preparations to ensure a smooth charging and payment experience. Be prepared that different charging stations may accept different payment methods.

The charging requirement for returning an electric car is known as the 80-80 rule. This rule states that the battery must be charged to at least 80 percent when returning the vehicle.

Known providers of charging options for electric vehicles and their websites
For Switzerland:
PLUG'N ROLL: www.plugnroll.com
TCS eCharge: www.tcs.ch
Swisscharge.ch: www.swisscharge.ch
evpass: www.evpass.ch
Ionity: ionity.eu
Shell Recharge: shellrecharge.com
EVBox: evbox.com
Allego: allego.eu
Popular cross-network charging app providers in Europe and their websites: