I had an accident (damage). What do I have to do?

Put on the safety vest and secure the accident site using the hazard lights and the warning triangle. Ensure your safety and provide first aid if necessary.

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Inform the police: It is essential that the police are informed about the accident, even if it is done afterward. A police report can be crucial in clarifying the accident's circumstances and addressing legal questions.

Note important data: It is important to record all relevant information after an accident. Write down the license plates, the address of the vehicle owner, the insurer, and the policy number of the other driver. This information is crucial for smooth insurance processing and helps to quickly and efficiently clarify the incident.

Record accident details: Note the exact location and time of the accident. The more precise these details are, the better we and the insurance company can understand the incident.

Take photos: Take photos of the accident scene, all involved vehicles, and the damages incurred. Visual evidence is often critical in avoiding misunderstandings and clearly documenting the facts.

Fill out the accident report and damage notification for Smile Insurance: Complete the accident report and the damage notification for Smile Insurance thoroughly with all relevant information to avoid ambiguities. Send both, along with the police accident report, to claims@enterprise.ch. We will then handle further processing with the insurance company and contact you if additional information is needed.