How do I verify myself correctly?

To begin your adventure with EnterpriseGO, a one-time verification in our app is essential.

You will need your ID or passport, driver's license, and a selfie. Open the app, upload the documents, and our automatic ID verification will match them with your data. Verification usually takes only a few minutes. If the documents do not match your data, automatic verification is not possible.
Without successful confirmation of your verification, it is not possible to take over a vehicle. Once you are verified, the world of EnterpriseGO is open to you, and you can choose your desired vehicle.
Please note the following points to ensure a quick verification:
  • ID document: Use your valid ID card or passport for verification. Take photos of both the front and back.
  • Driver's License: Your driver's license must be valid for driving (Class B or equivalent) and issued at least one year ago. Photograph both the front and back as well. International driver's licenses: We accept all driver's licenses. However, an international driver's license is required if the information on your foreign driver's license is not in Latin script.
  • Legibility: Make sure that all relevant information on the documents is easily legible and that blurring, shadows or reflections are avoided. To do this, create sharp, well-lit photos of both sides of the ID documents and make sure the entire document is pictured.
  • Confirmation Photo (Selfie): Upload one, sharp, well-lit photo of yourself that clearly shows your face. Photos of photos will not be accepted!
  • Complete information: Enter all required personal information correctly and completely, exactly as it appears in the documents, including any duplicate names. Enter last name in the "Last Name" field and first name in the "First Name" field. Nicknames or name abbreviations will not be accepted!
  • Matching email address: The email address is unique. Make sure the email address you use when registering on the app matches the email address you used when booking on the website, if this was booked through the website.
During the verification process, the status will be "Pending". We ask you to be patient until the status changes to "Verified".
Note that the ID check is used to confirm your identity and any attempts to tamper with it are illegal and may result in serious consequences. Therefore, do not use forged or manipulated documents.
If you follow the above points, the ID check should go smoothly and your identity should be successfully confirmed.
If you still encounter difficulties with the automatic verification via our app, please use our link to the online form for manual verification of your data:

Manual Verification

The Enterprise GO Team will personally review your documents and inform you immediately once everything is completed.