Immediate assistance for resolving technical issues (App):

Make sure you are logged in and have started the rental!
Make sure that Bluetooth, WiFi and location permission on your phone are enabled and permanently switched on or allowed when using the APP!
  1. Make sure that you have a stable and secure internet connection!
    The transfer of the digital key always requires a reliable connection. (only for the first push) Make sure you have a stable and fast 4G or 5G internet connection, as 3G and EDGE may not be sufficient.

  2. Log out of the APP and log back in with the same account.
    Is it working again? Great! If not, please go to step 3.

  3. Shut down the app completely and start it again!
    Does it work again? Great! If not, please go to step 4.

  4. Are you standing by the vehicle and can't connect?
    If your internet connection is insufficient or non-existent, you should first go to a place where you have a stable connection. Then log out of the app and log back in. Then switch on flight mode and check whether Bluetooth is activated. Stay in flight mode and go to the vehicle, as close as possible to the driver's door, to establish an automatic Bluetooth connection. Please be patient, as this can take up to 15 minutes depending on the situation. The message "The connection is taking longer than usual" may still be displayed on the cell phone. However, this will change automatically as soon as the connection is established. Please remain in flight mode until you leave the parking garage.

If you continue to experience difficulties, you can reach our emergency team outside of office hours at the following number: +41 58 122 04 80.